Achievements and Experience
Academic position
Lecturer of Animal Sciences, Writtle University College 2022-present
University of York , Department of Biology 2016 – 2021
PhD student, Department of Biology
Topic: How does individual variation affect group level behaviour in social invertebrates
University College London 2014-2015
MRes Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation (Distinction)
University of Edinburgh 2011-2014
Biological Sciences (Developmental and Cell Biology) (BSc Hons)
2023 -Knowledge Exchange Partnership grant to investigate insect welfare and a circular economy (co-applicant).
2023- Knowledge Exchange Partnership grant to develop a non invasive monitoring system for zoo welfare (co-applicant).
2022- Knowledge Exchange partnership grant to investigate edible invertebrates
2018 - Scientific Exploration Society Inspirational Explorer of the Year Award
2018 - University of York Biology KM Scott Prize for Best Student Research Impact
Invited lectures (select)
Invited speaker to present "Spectacular defences: a colourful synthesis of deimatic behaviour" to University of Bristol (2023)
Invited speaker to give the Irene Manton Lecture (2020) Royal Society of Biology and Linnean Society on “Metamorphosis” - a lecture on the study of caterpillars and women in science.
Lecture at the Royal Geographic Society (2020) “On the Trail of the Titans” (later recorded for Geography Now) - a lecture on the expedition led to study titan beetles.
Invited speaker and panellist for the Royal Geographic Society Explore Conference (2019) as a tropical fieldwork expert.
Expedition leadership
2019: Project/expedition leader of the Cash of the Titans. This project based in French Guiana gathered the first behavioural data on the largest beetle in the world, the titan (Titanus giganteus).
2013: Expedition leader to the Peruvian Amazon. Planned, organised, secured funding for and led a University of Edinburgh research expedition on the impact of farming methods on local butterfly biodiversity.
Other work
2022: Invertebrate Scientist for Operation Wallacea, Fiji.
This staff position involved mapping the distribution of one of the rarest butterflies in the world, the Natewa Swallowtail.
2019-2022: Research and Analysis Support Officer at TRAFFIC
This position involved analysing legal and illegal wildlife trade data.​​
2016: Research Assistant at the University of Cambridge and University of Western Sydney
Assisted social network analysis of passerines, as well as carrying out fieldwork in Kosciuszko National Park to help investigate defences of the mountain katydid in response to wild Australian magpies.
2014: Invertebrate Scientist for Operation Wallacea, Honduras.
This staff position involved working in the cloud forest in Cuzuco National Park carrying research into beetle communities.
Lecturing Experience
Writtle University College Courses 2022-2023
Module lead
Ecology and Evolution (level 4)
Applied Issues in Wildlife Conservation (level 6)
Habitat Protection and Species Conservation (level 7)
Wildlife Resources (level 7)
Additional classes taught in the following modules
Husbandry (level 4)
Ethics of Animal Use (level 4)
Animal Ethics and Welfare (level 7)
Advanced Animal Health Science (level 6)
Current Issues in Animal Science (level 7)