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Achievements and Experience


Academic position

Lecturer of Animal Sciences, Writtle University College                          2022-present



University of York , Department of Biology                                            2016 – 2021

            PhD student, Department of Biology

Topic: How does individual variation affect group level behaviour in social invertebrates


University College London                                                                  2014-2015

MRes Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation (Distinction)


University of Edinburgh                                                                      2011-2014

Biological Sciences (Developmental and Cell Biology) (BSc Hons)




  • 2023 -Knowledge Exchange Partnership grant to investigate insect welfare and a circular economy (co-applicant).

  • 2023- Knowledge Exchange Partnership grant to develop a non invasive monitoring system for zoo welfare (co-applicant).

  • 2022-  Knowledge Exchange partnership grant to investigate edible invertebrates 

  • 2018 - Scientific Exploration Society Inspirational Explorer of the Year Award 

  • 2018 - University of York Biology KM Scott Prize for Best Student Research Impact


Invited lectures (select)


  • Invited speaker to present "Spectacular defences: a colourful synthesis of deimatic behaviour" to University of Bristol (2023) 

  • Invited speaker to give the Irene Manton Lecture (2020) Royal Society of Biology and Linnean Society on “Metamorphosis” - a lecture on the study of caterpillars and women in science.

  • Lecture at the Royal Geographic Society (2020) “On the Trail of the Titans” (later recorded for Geography Now)  - a lecture on the expedition led to study titan beetles.

  • Invited speaker and panellist for the Royal Geographic Society Explore Conference (2019) as a tropical fieldwork expert.



Expedition leadership


  • 2019:     Project/expedition leader of the Cash of the Titans. This project based in French Guiana gathered the first behavioural data on the largest beetle in the world, the titan (Titanus giganteus).  


  • 2013:            Expedition leader to the Peruvian Amazon. Planned, organised, secured funding for and led a University of Edinburgh research expedition on the impact of farming methods on local butterfly biodiversity.



Other work


  • 2022:      Invertebrate Scientist for Operation Wallacea, Fiji.

    • This staff position involved mapping the distribution of one of the rarest butterflies in the world, the Natewa Swallowtail. 


  •  2019-2022:  Research and Analysis Support Officer at TRAFFIC

    • This position involved analysing legal and illegal wildlife trade data.​​


  •  2016:    Research Assistant at the University of Cambridge and University of Western Sydney

    • Assisted social network analysis of passerines, as well as carrying out fieldwork in Kosciuszko National Park to help investigate defences of the mountain katydid in response to wild Australian magpies.


  •  2014:      Invertebrate Scientist for Operation Wallacea, Honduras.

    • This staff position involved working in the cloud forest in Cuzuco National Park carrying research into beetle communities. 


Lecturing Experience

Writtle University College Courses                                                2022-2023


Module lead


  • Ecology and Evolution (level 4)

  • Applied Issues in Wildlife Conservation (level 6)

  • Habitat Protection and Species Conservation (level 7)

  • Wildlife Resources (level 7)


Additional classes taught in the following modules


  • Husbandry (level 4)

  •  Ethics of Animal Use (level 4)

  •  Animal Ethics and Welfare (level 7)

  •  Advanced Animal Health Science (level 6) 

  • Current Issues in Animal Science (level 7)


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